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Thursday, September 29, 2016



two agave varieties against the sky

bean green                   blue green                    yellow

seasky out on the horizon line


beyond the book—a river

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Fried tips on dogwhiskers from Bosch to Brueghel the Younger

Fried tips on dogwhiskers from Bosch to Brueghel the Younger

Oaks from up the hill

A clumsy boot drops the blade

Next door is also no surprise                         soft black earth

The half painted balcony                               under the blue green window

Landmark decision yeah                               so count

But where are you now                                 really

Thursday, September 1, 2016


In celebration of summer, 2016!

On a short (six-day) trip to Dublin, Ireland, Montse and I visited Howth. The photos below were taken on our wander along the trail from The Summit to the village. In the distance we could see Lambay Island and Ireland’s Eye, and of course the bright blue waters of the Irish Sea. But the shots I’m putting up here concentrate on the colorful tangle of thicket. The wildflowers (the ones we recognized) are gorse, broom, heather—incredibly stimulating country to walk in!