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Monday, July 23, 2018

Summer evening landscape, Lleida-Camp de Tarragona, July 22, 2018

Summer evening landscape, Lleida-Camp de Tarragona

as the train speeds up,
grass and hay fields, some
in dun stubble, some green as Ireland;
old blacktop roads,
knolls in the distance like
barrows          wild cane,
reeds, umbrella pines,
canals, and well tended
kitchen gardens or orchards;
eroded railway ditch walls and
stacks of lumber beside
a solar panel company
cumulus cloud shapes—champagne
corks or chariot dragons—
then the pine covered hills
with their cultivated plots
in a dip of plain—olive trees, maize,
fruit trees, wheat

Saturday, July 21, 2018

summer heats up the shallows

summer heats up the shallows

still dew in the grass
catalpa leaf in sunwash
summer heats up the shallows
warms the deep water as we cross
toes feeling carefully
for each cool stone

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Post data

The drawing, I'd intended to add, is in charcoal and Conté. I wanted to concentrate on the contour before moving into the facial features, clothing folds, etc. Anyway, it's a step toward what I'm after in this type of work....

Drawing in progress

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Two nudes


tensió torsió força salt endavant mar ones de muscle parar el moviment fora de balanç sense gravetat fixa fitxa sobre la plata(forma) fora del control interior dintre de la veu


tension torsion spring forward sea waves of muscle stop the movement off balance archive on the pllat(form) out of control internal inside the voice

joia crit energia amb contraforça gravetat dividit entre els espais energètics pivot fulla sobre el vert números de la corda línia


joy cry energy with counterforce gravity divided among the energy spaces pivot leaf across the green numbers of the cord line

Wednesday, July 4, 2018



contour drawing before winter’s early
mostly old news          modernism’s collage
post now in the pretext hogging
why nib curve cradling          the shout
one more line possibly a caesura
here it is