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Sunday, September 27, 2020



The wires are alive with talk of unfair elections, not only in the United States this coming November but yes, pretty loudly about the United States this coming November. One of the problems is the fact that election rigging is surprise surprise not a recent practice.

 Gore Vidal spoke of it not only in his novels but also in his book Imperial America (New York, Nation Books, 2004). He brings in a comic note with the anecdote about Eleanor Roosevelt’s shock at seeing people buying votes. Her eventually presidential husband Franklin tells her not to worry, “the Republicans are buying them, too.”

Not so funny of course is the actual practice of election rigging and its current electronic extensions. Already on the eve of the 2004 presidential election, Gore was recommending the use of paper ballots as opposed to machine counts (p. 37). This however may not prove as easy as it sounds. As a recent article in The Atlantic Monthly notes, “Ballots for the fall presidential contest cannot be printed until every party certifies its candidates.” And that is only one hurdle in the mess the magazine predicts (link to article below). By all means, vote. We must vote.

 As to the history of vote rigging, a short summary may be found at

  The Atlantic Monthly article:

Sunday, September 20, 2020

In progress....

 A small acrylic "sketch" done some ten years ago and shown in a small format exhibit at the Julia Karp Gallery in Barcelona. Looking for new ideas, going over old ideas......... Acrylic on canvas, about 10x10 cm. Untitled.

Thursday, September 10, 2020


 And on the eve of this year's Diada, Catalonia's National Day.

Tomorrow we'll drive to Torrefarrera to celebrate with the whole family.

Home cooked lunch, conversation. No large demos are planed this year due to the pandemic.

Stay well, our watchword!

Friday, September 4, 2020

Wild Roof Journal

Many thanks to Wild Roof Journal for including my poem “ringing rocks” in their current issue. I hope you’ll look in, of course. There are also prose and visual art sections in WRJ. And lots to explore in previous issues, the ones that first got me interested.
So…. Repetitively, poetry, prose, visual art for anyone interested.