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Saturday, February 27, 2021

Walking the Parc Güell


Walking the Parc Güell

 A few of the photos I took a couple of weeks ago, on a walk through Antoni Gaudí’s beautiful park. The first one shows the living stone of the Carmel Hill, where the park is located. Then more of this metamorphic rock covered with lichen. Finally, a third pic showing a stairway leading up to columns using Gaudí’s system of building---derived more from Nature, less from French curves and ruled lines. However, my inexpert thoughts are indebted to Scott Engering’s blog, The Language of Stone at

and to Marc Pantano’s article “Reading Gaudí’s book of nature: Reconsidering the peripheral perception of proto-environmental architecture” at

My pictures:


And a detail...

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Steel dumpster


steel dumpster*


there’s cardboard

and a paper sack of cement

broken 3-ply sheet glass

and different kinds of plastics

black duct hose splattered with plaster

and two coke cans

then a knight’s move of short end-split two-bys inside

* First published in 2009 on Peter Ganick's Live Journal page. The two poems I posted prior to this were also published there by Peter who, sadly, passed away last year. So with thanks and continued admiration for Peter's very extensive writing, music, and visual arwork.