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Friday, March 31, 2023



In relation to technical problems I’ve set up a provisional Twitter account. At the moment the account is purely bare bones and I will be changing the name some time in April. As I posted previously, Twitter Help/Support has been notified of the tech problems. At present I am reading but not sending tweets.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Toward Spring

 Happy Saint Patrick's Day ! On the way to Spring. New reading includes  Michel de Montaigne's essay "On the power of the imagination." Inspiring lots of thoughts on the German concept of Stimmung, meaning mood, in English. Perhaps this is a kind of poetic shifting of gears after my recent reading in Vincent van Gogh's letters. His favorite color apparently was yellow, an interesting one when it comes to mixing paint. Somewhat differently, moods can be mixed, But then much in human creation seems to depend on adding and subtracting. All the while, choosing........ Toward Spring !