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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Vilanova i la Geltrú, January 11-12, 2020

Vilanova i la Geltrú, January 11-12, 2020

Balloon volley ball after midnight. No net of course, no limit to number of players or boundary. Rhythmically swaying to whatever the restaurant puts on, a semblance of dance yogas the birthday celebration’s conclusion. But wait, there’s more. Don’t stop laughing, don’t stop dancing. But inevitably a few kisses, a long held hand and we’re out in the night air in close to freezing temperatures and a mile or so to the hotel. Moon coming to the full. Sea now audible as we walk. A turn toward the hills then and the simple luxury of a hotel visit, a gift received some months back. So the fragments come in. The false scare of an electricity black out, then relief at a magical repair. And
the following morning, Sunday,
looked down at the hotel pool,
closed but undrained. For
who will deny the beauty,
sometimes found strange, of
an outdoor hotel pool, closed but undrained.
So I stood at the window, waiting for my turn in the shower, thinking of the expansive hours and the waves of emotions that turquoise rectangle would have seen.
The problem with using a camera here is the screen covering the window.
All the same I shoot the pool, go to the adjacent window, take a shot of the street, the palm trees flanking the strip of beach,
the long low roll
of the waves
coming in.


  1. Hi there William, reading this truly evocative piece, you made me want to pack my bag immediately and get travelling again!! It gave me the whiff of excitement of foreign air in my nostrils again!! Thank you...

  2. Reading this cleverly written and truly evocative piece, I got a definite whiff of the excitement that foreign air in my nostrils! And now you've made me itchy to be packing my bag and get travelling again - thanks for that, William...
