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Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Só qui só

In partial celebration of Barcelona's Poetry Week, which starts today, I'm posting the following in-process translation of Joan Timoneda's "Só qui só." The original text, many will already know, is also sung by Raimon and of course available on YouTube among other places. Information on the poetry week is abundant online. Wikipedia has information about Timoneda (~1518.83) but as far as I can see only in Catalan and Spanish. The poem:

Só qui só

Só qui só, que no só io,
Puix mudat d’amor me só.

Io crec cert que res no sia,
o, si só, só fantasia,
o algun home que somia
que ve alcançar algun do,
puix mudat d’amor me só.

Só del tot transfigurat;
só aquell que era llibertat,
i ara d’amors cativat
me veig molt fora raó,
puix mudat d’amor me só.

Sí só, puix que en lo món vixc
i a mi mateix avorrixc,
i segons que discernixc
veig la qui em dóna passió
puix d’amor mudat me só.

                                                                                          Joan Timoneda, 1556
My translation (version 1):

I am who I am

I am who I am, I am not I,
for by love changed am I.

I well believe that nothing is,
and, if I am, I’m fantasy,
or some man who dreams
he may attain some gift,
for by love I’m changed.

I am fully transfigured;
I am who was freedom,
and now by loves made captive
I see myself gone mad,
for by love am I changed.

Yet I am, for in the world I do live
And do weary even myself,
and by my discerning
do see her who fires my passion
for by love changed am I.

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