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Thursday, May 21, 2020


In the Barcelona area…… As restrictions begin to ease we’re going for short walks around our neighbourhood. So good to be out on the street! At the same time it’s disheartening to see how lightly some people take the cautions about using masks or maintaining safe distances.

More inspiring are the measures that are already visible of adapting the City’s streets with more bike lanes and designated parking areas for motor bikes. From some of the press I’ve seen this is another initiative that’s global. London is planning similar moves, also San Francisco, I think.

For years, for decades now, there have been plans to cut down on motorized traffic in cities. If memory serves one of the architectural solutions for Barcelona—the idea of having commuters coming into the City park in special areas outside the metropolitan area—was mooted 30 years ago or more. An accompanying shuttle system would then be used to get drivers back and forth to their cars.

So, hoping for healthier measures…… On we go!

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